

She came to see the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt with one of those sorry tales
Her father was one of those extremely
demonic creatures
He slept with her when she was seventeen
years old
He deflowered her and even made some
incisions on her body afterward
She ran away from home soon after that
She went to Kaduna to live with one of
her mother's relatives in Kaduna
She was placed in a catering school
and she eventually became a mobile
food vendor
It was in the course of hawking food
from one construction site to the other
that she met her husband
He was a builder, the foreman on the
site of one of the projects she hawked
to everyday
He liked her and told her so
She told her mother's relative
Her mother's relative told her mother
They decided to keep it away from her 
None of her father's other daughters
got married
He was deep into the occult and all the
children were paying heavily for his 
wicked ways
Her father married many wives
Many of them do not know how they came
to be his wife
Her mother was one of such
She knew she was trapped with a man
she didn't love or like but she was too
scared to walk away
The wedding was done in a very quiet 
Only nine people were present
Six of those were from the groom's family
Everything was fine until they consummated
the wedding
She was suddenly in serious pain
The only other person she ever slept with
was her father
It was as if a hot substance was released
into her system
The thing started moving in her body
It started from around her private part
and moved painfully around her waist all
She was rushed to the hospital the next
The hospital didn't see a thing
The doctor asked her a series of questions
suggesting she was either imagining
things or the ailment was psychological
She returned home in distress
The strange "thing" continued to move
all over her body
She was taken to several places
She used all sorts of medicines
The local witchdoctors called it "Awoka"
(Moving Mass)
Her mother carried several sacrifices
She was made to sit on a pot of hot
concoction for hours
She was guaranteed that the concoction
would infiltrate her system and 
neutralize the moving mass
What she got at the end of the day
were burns all over her bum bum
The "Mass" continued to slither through
her system like a snake
After two years of fruitless effort
Her husband left her
They had sex just once since they got
He had spent so much that he was
practically begging to feed them
She understood why he had to leave
He had nothing more to give her
Two weeks after he left, she returned
to her father's house
She was sure her father would have a
cure for her ailment
He might want to sleep with her again
But she didn't care anymore
She would sleep with a demon at that
moment if she was certain she would be
The moment her father saw her, he stood 
up and turned his back on her
He didn't say a word to her
He made sure he didn't make eye contact
with her
As soon as she walked past him, he left the
He never returned and nobody knew
where he went
Some people suggested that her father had
used her aura or virtue for a diabolic purpose
and therefore was not allowed to see her again
until she died
Nobody really understood what happened
She continued to live her life in pain
Unable to do anything productive
Battling a strange sickness that kept her
incapacitated and unproductive
She had exhausted every other option
She only came to the brother in Jeans and 
T-shirt because somebody persuaded her
to try
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt told 
her about the gospel of the Lord Jesus
He led her to Christ
They started praying
She fell under the anointing several times
She screamed and cried and rolled on the
There was a lot of drama and manifestation
But the moving mass continued moving
all over her body
It was embarrassing
It was as if that thing was programmed
to defy the name of Jesus
It moved on and on
Sometimes slowly and sometimes with
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt saw it
The lady assisting the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt saw it moving
They prayed in the spirit
They prayed in Understanding
They anointed her with oil
They commanded and decreed and casted
and bound
The moving mass was defiant
They had spent over an hour
Everybody was exhausted
It was time to package "hope"
men of God have that thing which
the Brother in jeans and T-shirt refer
to as packaging hope
When they pray for the sick and the
sickness seemed to defy prayer
The second option will be to send the 
sick on his or her way with a promise
of "Can you come back tomorrow? or 
some other time?
Or "I will give you some scriptures to
read every night and some confessions
to read out loud!
Don't worry, this is not a problem!
The Holy Spirit will deliver you etc
Sometimes such a person would be 
healed later that day or the following
day due to the prayer that had been
But most of the time, the sick remains
sick and the pastor gets to save face!
The pep talk started...
"Do you have a Bible, you have to 
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and
speak in tongues!
I will give you some scriptures to read
every night and every morning...."
Just then the Holy Spirit said to the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
"What do you do to a snake?"
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt paused
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
her to stand up 
The moving mass was still moving through
her body
It was shaped like a snake and can be seen
as it makes its way from one point to the other
under the lady's skin
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt waited
until got to the region behind the lady's
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt hit it hard!
The lady didn't expect it
She fell on her face and started vomiting
all sorts
The conference room stank like an abattoir
That was it!
Thirty minutes later
Cleaned up and free
The daughter of Zion began to dance, leap 
and praise God!
An affliction of five years was removed in an
instant by the instruction of the Holy Spirit

Ps: Event happened in Odogbolu, Kaduna 
and Lagos
Her father died twenty-one days after she was
He returned home as soon as he heard she
was fine and asked her forgiveness
He died some days later
She was reconciled with her husband
He came to see her after she was delivered
and they continued from there
He never remarried after leaving her
She had a baby boy on August 23, 2019
They named the  baby "Ituraoluwa"
meaning "The relief of the Lord"

GSW's Notes: All miracles are instant
But not all miracles manifest instantly!
Some manifest after a few hours, some
after a few days
In some cases, the general principle of 
laying hands when praying for the sick is
At other times, the Holy Spirit gives a specific
Please pay attention to the Holy Spirit when
ministering to the sick
Make sure your heart is not carried away
by seeing only the spectacular
Demons like attention and will sway the
senses if one is not focused on the Holy
As long as your heart is tuned to the Holy
Spirit, you can never miss your way!