

She was the intern 
She was an egg head 
An engineer by training 
A first-class student 
She was naive in the tricks 
and puzzles of life 
She was good at solving puzzles 
of the head 
She was the bespectacled nerd 
Like a rose, she was a beauty set 
in the midst of many thorns 
An enigma
She was supposed to share her 
office with the head of the technical 
The company was owned by her 
mother's older brother 
Her mother got her the job and pulled 
some strings to ensure she was posted 
there for her NYSC 
The Head of the technical department 
was 37 years old
On her first day at work, he told her 
to set her laptop up opposite him 
(So they shared his office desk) 
He had a TV screen in the office where 
he shared the contents of his laptop 
so that she could see their current 
projects and get up to speed 
He was a very smart guy, a genius
She was so impressed by his work and 
teaching prowess that within an hour 
she was giggling and swaying with him 
She was a knowledge freak and she 
always felt at home wherever she 
found unconventional knowledge that 
she could learn from 
He was such a well and she needed 
to drink
Within a week, he had unlocked her 
mind in a way that seemed almost 
She was a bookworm and had feared 
she could only lecture because of 
the way her mind worked 
The thought of practicing engineering 
and actually building things and making 
things excited her but it would
involve dealing with people and she 
was very clumsy at that 
Whenever her mother sent her to 
the market, her mother always complained 
that she lacked "street sense" 
She negotiated the prizes as much as 
possible but market sellers tend to sense 
she was there for the taking and they
end up cheating her 
She tried correcting this so many times 
but it was always on the surface and 
she didn't get it 
Even her mother had to give up 
Dealing with people was such a big deal 
It affected her friendships too 
She didn't know how to lie since she 
was taught that she would go to hell
 for lying as a child 
As a result, she was a tell-tale 
If her mother wanted to know the 
truth about anything, her mother 
comes to her 
Her siblings knew this and they all 
started keeping secrets from her 
She was the bubble buster, 
the fun killer, the simpleton, 
the nerd
She told him this as a matter of fact 
She said "I don't know how to lie, 
I lack the basic nuances necessary to 
have friendships and relationships that 
last because I have come to find out 
that lies, half-truths, secrets, minding 
one's business, being slow to speak and 
so on are necessary and vital aspects 
of human communication upon which 
trust, love, empathy, sympathy, concern 
and reliability was built 
I lacked that ability and I find myself 
more comfortable with non-living things 
like my computer and books and so on 
People are just too complicated"
He laughed when she said that but as they 
closed from work told her she was sure 
she didn't lack those abilities, she had just 
not met anyone devilish enough to bring out 
those hidden talents in her 
She thought it was a funny joke and 
she laughed 
The next day, at about 1 pm, he
asked her to come with him into the 
drawing-room (The room adjacent to the 
office, where boards and markers and 
books were kept) 
He told her they would be doing some 
practical work and he needed to show 
her some things 
It was just the two of them 
It started purely as work, at least,
from her own point of view but somehow 
at a point, due to their proximity and his 
deliberate touches, he turned her around 
and kissed her full on the mouth 
It was so unexpected and it was her 
first kiss 
She liked it so much that when he eventually 
released her mouth, she kept starring at 
his lips and practically begged for more 
It was at that drawing-room that she 
learned the lessons she failed to learn at home 
She spent at least an hour with him in the 
room every day 
All they did was kiss and other things she 
would rather die than say out loud 
She remembered him saying after the 
first day that she should go home and 
report everything they did in detail to 
her mother 
She just nodded 
She had thought her mother would see 
through her like before and she would 
spill the beans 
Her mother didn't and she didn't too 
It was her first secret 
It felt dirty and sinful at first but she 
enjoyed the moments and started 
dressing up for it 
She changed her bras when he said 
"her bra looked like the ones made 
for elderly women" 
She started wearing sexy things under 
her jacket just to turn him on and tease 
him at their sessions
He took her for some negotiations and 
she saw he was a very good liar when 
dealing with clients 
She knew the facts just as he did but 
he never told clients the truth 
He over-quoted prices, said things that 
weren't done yet were already done 
and bribed many people to "oil the wheel"
She didn't know how he did it but it didn't 
feel sinful to her 
She felt he was very wise and skillful 
especially when he explained his motives 
and the ideas behind his actions to her 
She found out somehow that she had 
fallen in love with him and would rather 
talk to him than talk to her mother 
She spent more time with him 
After work, he would hang out at a bar 
She found out he drank and smoked 
socially (Not a chain smoker) 
Even though she had always somehow 
hated smokers and drunks, she forgot 
all about her "ideals" when she was 
around him 
She started drinking
too! Not the heavy spirits but the 
light stuff 
It helped her to while away the time 
while he did his thing 
As for her she just wanted to be with him 
Sometimes when they leave the bar, 
he would ask her to sit in the back seat 
of his car, turn on the engine and the AC, 
sit beside her and they would kiss and 
neck and yes, have sex right there 
People would be walking about in the 
car park into and out of the bar, parking 
and so on 
Security personnel would do their ward 
round to be sure the cars were safe and 
they would be doing it right there without 
any restrain or self-consciousness 
He was like a bad addiction 
She dreamt of him and dressed for him 
and started keeping secrets from everybody 
for him 
She didn't know things were supposed to 
like escalate into having a relationship and 
marriage and all 
Her mother had noticed the change and 
gave her the talk 
"Bring him home, I want to meet him! 
Do you think i am a child? 
I have seen your inside-out antics and 
i am sure you are hiding a man somewhere. 
Tell him your parents will like to meet with 
him and his people." 
By this time they had been together for
almost a year 
As far as she could tell, she was his 
one and only 
When she got to the office, she told him 
what his mother said 
He laughed and laughed 
She didn't know it was funny 
A simple "Yes, i want to meet your parents 
or No, I don't want to meet your parents 
would have sufficed"
She had no expectations as long as things
continue as they are with him
She had become so comfortable with
him that she would make video calls
with him while having her bath and
dressing up for work, even on weekends
they did everything together
Later that afternoon, after their drawing-room 
antics which she took as a good sign 
because he was especially tender and 
compassionate with her as they had sex 
A lady came to their office 
It was the first time she was seeing the lady 
He introduced the lady to her as "His wife"
She turned red immediately she heard
Even the lady noticed that she was
The lady, his wife, just laughed and said
"Relax dear, I am not like most women
out there! What I cannot give him, I have
encouraged him to take from wherever
he could! So feel free. 
I just had to come and see you one on one
so that you understand that he is not
the kind of guy you take home to your
parents. I have already taken him home"
His wife spoke softly to her, even warmly
She suspected that if she gave his wife
the room, his wife would even hug her
It was weird, to say the least
Later that day, while they sat at the
bar watching an uninteresting football
She asked him why he lived as if he
wasn't married
It was shocking to her that she didn't
see any sign of a woman in his life
They had video calls and all at odd 
times of the night and he was always
He told her he met his wife while they
were undergraduates in the university
and they clicked in an odd way
His wife was a born again Christian and
so was he and they kept to all the 
standards laid down by the church
The problem came after the marriage
His wife had serious intimacy issues
She hated sex and would slip into
depression if he complained about
anything she wasn't doing right
Within six months of the marriage
they both knew they had made very
grievous mistakes
His wife begged him for a divorce
He was willing to grant the divorce
because it was very obvious that
they had both made a mistake
but the church said NO!
So they decided to cope
His wife moved out of their room into
the guest room and faced her lecturing
He faced his work and tried to find
solace anywhere he could
She asked if his wife had sought
professional help
He said she had and provided evidence
of intimacy and sex therapy 
sessions both at home and abroad
He said it was a cross he was carrying
She felt she was only 22 years old
and didn't plan to marry early
So she stayed with him
Like the third wheel in a tricycle
She didn't want to deal with the pain
of losing him and pinning for him
She knew she could walk away
at anytime
She felt she had nothing to lose
The following year she became a full 
staff of the company
In October 2017 after being with him
for three years she got pregnant
He told her she had to abort it
He felt she deliberately took in to
force his hand and make him leave
his comfort zone
He had made a commitment to his
wife and he was not ready to deal
with the emotional complications
of walking out of it yet
For the first time in their three years 
of "We don't know what we are
oing" she told him No!
It was easy for him to hide behind the
church instead of sorting out his
dysfunctional marriage issue but easy
for him to tell him to kill her baby
He raised hell
She resigned and blocked him on
every communication channel
It was a painful decision but he was
the one that taught her the art of
She didn't want to leave the relationship
She had given it a lot of thought
She didn't think she could love and 
get comfortable with another person
as she was with him
So she decided to take what she can
That was why she got pregnant
The baby will be her gain from the
He reached out to the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
He explained everything
He wanted the Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt to decree a miscarriage or
an abortion or a still birth
The baby was a product of sin
He had a lot of arguments and 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt 
listened patiently
When he was done, the 
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told
him to tell his wife what had 
happened and give him the feedback
He told his wife on a Sunday evening
His wife didn't say a word for a week
The following Sunday evening, his
wife told him she had secured a job
at a University in Botswana and
would be leaving the country
She felt she was just tying him down
and needed to set him free
He didn't believe it
His wife left a month later
They had been married for seven 
years and had sex four times
Marriage was not for her 
She left without any regrets
After her departure, he reached out
again in confusion
"Sir, I dont know how to approach
I dont want people to say I had not
allowed the dust to settle on my
wife's departure before bringing
another (pregnant) woman home."
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
listened but didn't say a word.
After the conversation, the brother
in Jeans and T-shirt sent him a
The message reads:
"An Indian idol's religious mantra 
states that "True religion is doing the 
will of the people. 
Vox populi, vox dei
The voice of the people has become
for you the voice of God
You are a hypocrite who would live
a reckless life in secret while keeping
the image of a holy man in public
You didn't even think God was aware
of all that had happened so far
Your concern was your image and
how the religious people would see
you rather than taking responsibility
for the woman you impregnated and
your child
You have a consciousness of self and
people and count God as nothing in
your affairs
You are a truly religious man!"
He didn't expect such a message
It hit him hard!
He resigned and moved out of his
His church did sent forth for him
He moved to another part of the
same city and rented an apartment
Then he went to see her (after four
She was at her parent's house and
was already decorating the nursery
for the baby
They talked
What he had in mind was to convince
her to move in with him but he
couldn't say it because of the love
and care he saw her getting at
He knew it wouldn't fly
He told her parents he wanted to
bring his people and marry her
His parents agreed
The wedding was done in January 2018
She delivered their baby boy on
July 23, 2018
Today, little Samuel is two years old,
and his mother is pregnant again
He wrote a thank you note to the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
It reads "Thank you for your
brutal honesty sir. You made me
see myself as I never wanted to.
I used to think i was very life
smart but you helped me put
my life together with a few words
Thank you sir!"

PS: The law is nobody's friend
Last week, a couple inside the estate
where i now live had a fight
The guy waited for two days
Loaded his car boot with two shovels, 
diggers and other equipment
Told his wife they were going for
a drive to settle their differences
and drove her to a forest close to
my house and started slapping her
When she wanted to fight back
he opened his booth and dropped
the equipment
He told her he was ready to kill and
bury her there
Thank God for security men on 
Bread was made for the man and
not man for bread
Marriage was made for the man
and not man for marriage
Jesus said Marriage is not for
everybody (Matthew 19:11-21)
Apostle Paul is said the same
Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo is 
saying the same here
If marriage is not for you, please
live at peace with yourself and 
fulfill your purpose
Don't cave in to pressure from
Your life will be miserable if you
make that choice
Wisdom is always profitable to direct

GSW's note: There is nothing as disturbing
as the complaint of somebody living another
person's reality and neglecting his or her
A lady was always complaining about her
husband not having sex with her
I had wondered why for a long time
Because she was a very beautiful lady
and she has a fantastic personality
Then she said she doesn't like sex too
So all she does was wait for ovulation
day and open her legs
If the husband refuses to get in, she
starts screaming blue murder
What sort of life is that?
Ehn? Ehn? Chei?????