Stolen Water

Stolen Water

Stolen Water

The first time she travelled abroad
She merely thought aloud in the boss's office
"I wish i would be able to travel abroad one day"
'The boss' heard her quiet musings
He asked her "So and so, are you telling me you have never travelled out of the country before?" 
She said "No sir, it has always been my desire but I have never left the shores of this country"
She was all of twenty five years old at the time
She just graduated from the University
She was determined to establish her own business
She studied pharmacy and wanted desperately to establish her own pharmacy store
That was why she went to the Boss's office
He was a manager of a particular pharmaceutical product brand
She wanted ask him for a starter kit
Something in the region of a #100,000 worth of products
She had convinced her mother to let out a space in her big shop for to her
All she needed was the product
Her plan was solid
Everything was going smoothly until one of her friends called
She had to cut the call because she was right in the middle of her meeting with the boss
She apologised to the boss and said "It was an international call sir, i am sorry"
The boss laughed and said "Don't be sorry darling, where was the caller located"
"Amsterdam", she replied
"Oh, such a beautiful country! Have you been there?" Asked the man
That was when she shook her head and said she wished she would be able to travel one day
The Boss collected her phone number right away
One week later, the boss sent her the phone number of a lady at immigrations
"Call her immediately" He said
She called!
She was given specific instructions
The following morning, she arrived at the immigration office
Her fee had been paid
She was processed, her pictures and details captured, just like that
One week later, her international passport was ready
She called the man to say thank you
He told her to come and see her the next day
When she got to his office, a travel agent was with him
She gave the agent her passport and other details
Two weeks later, the man called her
She had been given a visa for Dubai
She was so happy!
But of what use was the visa?
She didn't have money for flight ticket, accommodation and all that
The man told her to pack a bag as she would be travelling in three days time
She did!
Her benefactor, sent from heaven from God to meet her needs had over delivered 
She took a taxi to the airport
She got there almost four hours early to avoid "village people" who might want to arrange traffic or delay
He arrived a few hours later
They checked in and off to Dubai they went
The Boss was a married man
His wife and children were prominently displayed on a picture frame in his office
He also looked like someone who feared God
She called him Uncle So and so
And he called her "Little one"
When they got to Dubai, she was thrilled to discover that he booked her in a separate room
All the while on the journey, she had been unsettled about how it would be
Her mother used to tell her to hold her transport fair whenever she was going on a date
So that she can walk out of the date with her dignity intact if the guy was not "it"
But walking out of Dubai back home might be a little dicey
She only hoped for the best 
She checked into her own room and promptly slept off
The next morning she got a note from the room keepers
She was to order whatever she wanted and go wherever she wanted (She must be careful not to get lost)
The Boss had left for a meeting
She didn't see him all day
She stayed in her room
She ate and took a stroll round the hotel but she didn't have any money and she didn't know anywhere
He sent her another note the second day
"He had gone for a meeting, she should enjoy her day"
She tried as much as possible to make the day better than the previous day
She went window shopping! 
She made sure she stayed close to the hotel as much as possible
She called her mother and some friends
Took pictures with her phone
It was a better day than the first
The third day she got the same note!
She had always prided herself on being independently minded and all that
But it felt to her as if she had been brought to Dubai to die of boredom
Why couldn't he at least take the trouble of coming to her room or calling her room
No matter how late it was when he got back to the hotel from his meeting?
That night she tried to sleep but sleep refused to come
She was angry and she felt somehow
At 1AM, she went up to his room
He opened the door
She walked in 
He closed the door behind her
She wanted to talk 
He smiled, he pushed her against the door
She knew what was going to happen
She knew what was going to happen long before she came to his room
She couldn't really say it caught her by surprise
She knew he was wearing her out
Allowing nature to do the talking for him
Wearing out her resistance without a word
She had a choice
Push him away and endure another twelve days like the first two she had
Or take what was to come and have a blast of a time in Dubai
Her mother would throw a fit if she found out
But her mother wasn't there!
She told her mother he had included her as part of his team to a pharmacological conference in Dubai
She didn't know how to explain to her mother that she was going to Dubai with a married man
There was nothing she could have said to convince her mother
It would have been a NO! NO! NO!
When he reached for her
She closed her eyes
Even if her heart was screaming NO! Her body must enjoy it
What would be the point of fighting within herself?
She hoped God would forgive her
There was no point fighting it
He had her spread eagled within ten minutes
The places he skillfully and deliberately reached in her body that night
Were a testament to the fact that he didn't want her to forget him in a hurry
It was stolen water, it was sweet in her mouth 
For the next twelve days, she was permanently in his room
They went for his meetings together
She acted as his personal assistant 
He even gave her a temporary identity card
It was the best twelve days of her twenty five years!
On the day they left Dubai, he gave her two packages
He told her only to open them when she got home
He also paid for everything she shopped for
When she got home, she opened the packages
The first one was an offer of employment as his Personal Assistant
She knew this meant "paid mistress"
The second was an offer of distributorship 
She could open her own pharmacy as she had always planned
She would be offered the products and she would pay for them at the end of the month
The order was for #250,000 worth of products
She told her mother about it
Her mother told her to take both offers
"Employ somebody at the pharmacy, i will keep the person honest" and 
take the job, that way you get to expand and have multiple streams of income"
Since she couldn't tell her mother the whole truth, the counsel was on point
She resumed the following monday
Within two weeks after resumption, her shop was opened
She had more than she ever dreamt she could at the age of 26
The relationship with her boss was not choking
He was committed to his family and they only spend the odd time together
Life was just as "God" had ordained it for her
Her business boomed and her career blossomed for all of three years
She had everything she could have ever wanted
Until she met him
The love of her life
As soon as she saw him, she knew it
He knew it too
He came to the office waiting to see her boss
They had served together in the East 
She had a huge crush on him at the camp
He also felt the same way
They were just drawn to each other
But when he told her he studied abroad and only came home for his NYSC
She had to tell herself to face reality
Everything about him oozed "Elite"
She was the daughter of a single mother based in a local town
His likes would only plunder her, fill her head with promises and disappear
She spoke with her leg
He had completed his masters and MBA
He had been appointed the manager of his Father's pharmaceutical company
He came to see her boss to discuss distribution issues
They hit it off
There was no need to hold back
She was single and searching
She had a thriving pharmacy and is gainfully employed
She really cared for him and he cared for her
Eight months after he walked into her office
He proposed
She said yes!
When she got to the office the next day she informed her boss
He didn't take it well
"You're just 29, why are you in a hurry to get married"
She tried to explain that she had found the love of her life
He smiled and said "You call him and tell him you are not marrying him or I will be forced to do my worst"
She didn't get it
She was owing him nothing
She had excelled in her job and had even been promoted to the position of Executive Assistant
She had invested wisely in her pharmacy and had opened a bigger outfit
What was the worst he would do?
Tell everybody he slept with her once in a while?
That night while pondering her next move in her room
She got the messages
Two mp4 videos of herself and her boss having sex
He never told her he recorded it
It was a deal breaker for her
She couldn't explain what happened afterwards
She saw, in her mind's eye, her man walking away in disgust, fully dressed in a wedding suit
Herself rolling on the ground, crying her eyes out, screaming
People everywhere, looking at her in disgust
Her mother, head hung in shame, crying bitterly 
Something gripped her heart, a searing pain, a scream and darkness 
By the time her mother rushed her to the hospital she was unconscious
They ran all sorts of tests
Her blood pressure was through the roof
She survived having stroke by a whisker
She was just 29, what could she be worried about?
Her mother called Brother in Jeans and T-shirt "Your sister has been hospitalized"
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt rushed to the hospital
He: Sister, what is wrong?
Sister looks at her mother, looks at the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
Didn't say a word
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt told her mother to excuse them
She told him everything immediately her mother left the room
"God is doing this to me, taking his pound of flesh, punishing me
I knew the consequence of sin is death and i chose death
The Prince of this world has tested me and found many things wrong with me
I know you are disappointed in me, i can see it in your face
My life is over!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt laughed "Stop saying negative things to yourself
Of course i am disappointed!
You are one of the believers I thought i could vouch for
And to keep this deceit for three years?
To testify in church about your trip to Dubai and God's divine intervention?
To ascribe to the Holy Spirit the gains of the flesh?
But if anybody will punish you, it is I
God has not given an unbeliever the right to afflict a believer
When the Lord is on your side, what can man do unto you?
She: You mean you can help me?
He: The Holy Spirit will help you
He prayed with her!
She was discharged from the hospital the next day
She stayed at home for a week and tendered her resignation 
When her fiance came to see her, she told him the truth
Her fiance saw it as a case of blackmail and abuse of office
Her fiance wrote a petition against the boss to the Group Managing Director of the boss's company
Her fiance also threatened to involve the police
He had as evidence the MP4 videos Boss sent to her phone
The Boss was asked to resign 
The case died a natural death
They got married a few months later

PS: Don't disappoint the Holy Spirit
Don't join the temple of Christ to Belial
Don't sell the Holy Spirit as Judas sold Jesus
Don't be like Esau who counted his birthright as nothing
As a believer, you may look ordinary and feel ordinary but angels covet what you have
See yourself from the mountain and not from the valley
Godliness with contentment is a great gain
If at all you find yourself falling into sin
Don't hide it, don't make a habit of it, don't let sin own you
Confess it, obtain mercy and walk boldly to the throne of Grace
If you allow the enemy to shift your gaze from Jesus to Material possessions
You have lost the plot and given him ground to batter you
Repent of your sins now and turn away this minute
The love of the Father is ever ready to take you back
Repent now!